Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hello Children

Another dialled down day, work was stupid and i don't even want to talk about it, you can't make me, really? you mean you're wanting to hear about it? Oh, I suppose so.

The tale of Anita the Fabulous Bike Messanger

Okay so I don't ride a mf broom, deal with it. I would if i could tho. Anyway, I started work at 8, and was hoping to relax for a bit dt before the lazy SOB's in the offices started paging. Just got a coffee and was sitting with ma bike when i was given my marching orders.

The first order of the day was a single envelope from one company to their lawyers across the street, it was Priority 1. No joke, these people couldn't get off their own asses to deliver their own fucking letter which probably said:

dear evil lawyer
thank you so much for giving our company the legal rights to destroy the environment and kill babies and make a fortune doing it

a fat douche

That is how i picture the people i deliver for. But since all I ever see is their tired looking secretary administrative assistant, I wouldn't know. Granted I do enjoy one building dt, it's right above pacific centre and the guy on the 15th floor makes it worth the while, too bad i can't always go there...

Anyway, job 1 went off without a hitch, job two was for a company near GM place. I went in there and picked up a couple of letters but this old lady started reaming me out.

Apparently the last messenger didn't deliver them fast enough (i wanted to point out that yelling at me is only going to slow me down). I couldn't help but think of the old woman with the shoe that was an obstacle in Paperboy (for the nintendo)

Anyway, despite my ability to get my job done, i still felt lousey afterwards. (not even crisp air, endorphines, and caffiene could pick me up) The rest of the day wasn't too bad tho

I did go to tea with earl, he listened to me bitch about how i've been extra bitchy lately (he concurred).

earl: what have yuo been eating lately?
afb: bitch please do i look like i've been eating?
earl: *bitch please stare*
afb: not great i guess, coffee for breakfast, fruit and sandwich throughout the day, then whatever we have at home
earl: well i find that not eating enough coupled with too much sugar and not enough sleep makes me go a little crazy... i can only imagine what it would do to you

for all my fabulous bravado, i listened to earl, maybe that's all i'm missing, no sleep and no food makes annie go something something... but i don't think so, and earl knew it too i bet... he just didn't want to admit the futility of my absent swiss choclatier (little J we'll call him). He said he wants to come back when his spring term is over, but i felt guilty about that, me guilty, can you imagine?

these real emotions are a pain, maybe i'll just go to C's bday party at the O on sat and forget all my troubles with a bottle of fun (followed by a bottle of self-pity, then one of remorse)

you're all a bunch of slags
Duchess Anita Fisten-Botten

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