Monday, March 8, 2010

Helping out

He just sent me a dick pic with his iPod held up next to it and the words "in relation to iPod." Geekiest booty call ever.

reading texts from last night is fun... sometimes i wonder if i've ever sent anything that patheti-funny... i doubt it... unless i was too drunk to remember...

i didn't watch the oscars last night (save you're hissing queens) i was at work. it wasn't super busy, but i didn't feel too enthused to be there, mostly because lately i've been spending some time... (read: too much time) with Mark, he seems to be doing well in van, let's face it his personality is far more conducive to meeting, interesting, or some combination of the two, people...

let's face it if i didn't meet up with anita that one fatefull night i would be far different. i'd probably be in school for one, being dull^2 every night, find a job i hate, live a miserable existance and die alone...

although Mark would still move here... sigh, he's so pretty. We usually end up hooking up when we hang out, but i think i should tell himface how i feel so that he doesn't realise how much better he could do... it's a good thing the gayest bar we've been to in van was in a moxies (and not even the one on davie) otherwise the guys would be all over him... fuck

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