Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello Children,

I'm terribly sorry for my absence leaving you deeply enthralled in my story to be sure, but you're going to have to wait a little longer for my origin part 2...

In any case, I did get some this past weekend and it was good despite what my dear friend Waffles says. The boy's name is Jacques or something to that effect, and before you get all bent out of shape (like Waffles did) about me not remembering names or something, that isn't the case. In fact we met at the O, the music was loud and so was I, but poor little J, just a tourist in town for the Olympics (i think) was so quiet/accented (ugh i'm a sucker for a nice accent) that i couldn't not give him some Canadian hospitality.

So, I won't get too much into that, but he was a good kisser, really good... Like top ten I'd say. Maybe it was the way the Swisher Sweet mixed with his bavarian beer, but I liked it, muchly. He'll be here for another 2 weeks, but he's "WITH HIS PARENTS!" wtf? I did the quick math and nothing was illegal (in canada) and he is old enough to get into clubs so that's something. But really? You're parents? Granted this gave me a minor coronary the morning after because I could envision a big burly Russian father breaking down my door looking for his son so he could brutally murder the both of us, but that didn't happen (Mercy me does my imagination get away from me sometimes...) No, he's out to them and they apparently understand that he is prone to getting out and meeting the locals and all that.

He wants to meet for something casual tomorrow afternoon (i think he meant casual dinner not casual what we did last time) I just hope his parents don't want to meet me (more anxiety). I'll let you know how that goes later.

In the meantime, I hear Old-Man Grey is up and about again, which is good news because I figured this wisdom teeth thing would be milked ad naseum and he would be perpetually homebound (moreso than usual) but apparently the drugs did him wonders... Maybe all he needed was to have a little wisdom out.

Meanwhile, Waffles dearest, don't judge my conquests nor my ex, I'm a big girl and can hold my own.

You're all a bunch of slags,
Duchess Anita Fisten-Botten

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