Anita dearest, your penchant for comic bookesque origin stories is pretty, sad *snap*
Anyway, old man Grey had his face ripped open and his wisdom teeth are outface... his gauze filled mouth is all bloody and he's asleep, but the way he's breathing is slightly irritating so i may put a pillow on his face just for some peace...
Ok so i'm probably not going to youthenise this oldie, but he's very squeemish so the blood might be too much for him.
Uncomfortable moment at work... Well not uncomfortable, and not weird, but still
Hostess: Waffles, I need to... I was wondering if... you're gay right?
Me: queer, but sure
Hostess: I thought queer was offensive
Me: Not really, but don't worry about that.
Hostess: Well, it's kind of embarassing (she was turning bright red) it's about my bf
Me: *whispers*Is he a gay?*whispers*
Hostess: WHAT? NO! You're silly...No, he wants to... omg... try anal.
Me: Oh... what kind?
Hostess: *panic* kind?
Me: Who is doing who?
Hostess: OH, he wants to do me
Me: Fun, except not quite the same I don't think, you lack a certain... prostate
Hostess: Does that make a difference?
Me: Oh yes...
So I spent some time telling her the in's and outs of her bum and I recommended that if he was going to do it, she should do him first, just for comparison's sake, just so he's aware its not exactly as... slippery as hetero-sex is...
SO, aspiring bottoms, some ground rules:
High fibre keeps you regular, and that helps to keep you clean, just saying
Always, no negotiating, always
Practice makes perfect
Try exploring on your own beforehand, finger in the shower or something
RELAX! Don't worry, it will hurt the first few times/for the first bit, but RELAX because it gets much better
Be patient, the bottom is going to need your patience because it WILL hurt the bottom, and be open to try it yourself, its a LOT of fun, so don't limit yourself
And the Oscar goes to...
13 years ago
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